

Bloc Texte

Healthy hydration habits, starts early!

Healthy water drinking habits can be acquired in a very early childhood. At the age of six months, we can give small amounts of water to babies.

The Mr. FunWater Challenge

Every year, on the third week of March, we celebrate water on the occasion of Canada Water Week and World Water Day.

In addition to highlighting the importance of this precious resource, the Mr.FunWater Challenge aims to promote water as the best drink to stay hydrated, while having fun. 


To learn more about the challenge

Bloc Mini-fiches

Become an exemplary daycare

A childcare service that promotes water consumption

A childcare service that promotes water consumption

Encourage children to ask for water regularly, one must promote its value and make it more accessible. Use this graph for inspiration.

Exemplary Educators

Exemplary Educators

As members of the educator personnel or if you are responsible for Daycare services, you play a key role in developing healthy hydration habits. You are a source of inspiration!

Bloc Texte

What does the governement say about water in Daycares?

The Gazelle and Potiron referenced framework, from the Ministère de la Famille, states that educational Daycares services must:

  • favours milk and water for regular child consumption;
  • encourage children to drink water and help promote optimal hydration;
  • provide access to water for children at all times.